I just couldn't pass this up although it is a bit goofy! We have a spot behind our fence that Mike mows and right now there are cows and calves in the pasture! I was out watering while he was mowing. The sounds of the evening just kept reminding me of Retrop! I started watching from my side of the fence and it was so comical! Mike would pass by and the cows kept getting closer and closer then finally they were right next to the hot wire fence. Each pass he would make it seemed the cows followed him first one way and then the other! So for those of you who long for the farm, this one's for you! Too funny! So what were they thinking? Ha!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Does it get any better?
We don't get a chance to spend much time with Vicki and her family so last weekend was a real treat! We opted out of the long lines at media day on Friday but did stop at the stadium for a few pics! I love it! Football is in the air! Jacob really loves soccer and we did stop at the soccer field for him to kick a few goals but I failed to get my camera out! Sorry Jake!
Of course we had to continue Mindy's birthday month celebrations with cupcakes and smiles! No one loves her birthday as much as Mindy! After a scary incident on the turnpike she finally made it to Norman and Jen made sure it was a party! Thanks Jen!
Blessings beyond measure! "Life is a gift that is why they call it the present!"
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Vintage, Antique, or Junk?????
Ecclesiastes 3
A Time for Everything 1 There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven:
2 a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot,
3 a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build.
I have reached yet another season of life once again reminding me that all of these "things"which surround us daily and consume us at some points in our lives are simply just "stuff"! My mother has decided to move to the village here and sell her home. We have cleaned out her garage and have begun to work on the house. So many memories, thoughts, and emotions have surfaced as we pull yet another box of treasures out to decide who wants this and what do we do with it! I read the a definition of an heirloom: a special treasure which links to a very deep emotional connection to the past. As I look at these "fingerprints of the past" I hope to rejoice and be thankful for the memories and cherish not only the past but look with anticipation to a new season of life and SIMPLIFY!
I decided to hang these doors on my "ugly barns" in the back yard. I think I'll paint sometime and add a few vines. These hung in our house when we moved there when I was in 5th grade but of course mother didn't want them because they looked so old! Ha!
Vintage, antique or junk???? You decide! Ha!
A Time for Everything 1 There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven:
2 a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot,
3 a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build.
I have reached yet another season of life once again reminding me that all of these "things"which surround us daily and consume us at some points in our lives are simply just "stuff"! My mother has decided to move to the village here and sell her home. We have cleaned out her garage and have begun to work on the house. So many memories, thoughts, and emotions have surfaced as we pull yet another box of treasures out to decide who wants this and what do we do with it! I read the a definition of an heirloom: a special treasure which links to a very deep emotional connection to the past. As I look at these "fingerprints of the past" I hope to rejoice and be thankful for the memories and cherish not only the past but look with anticipation to a new season of life and SIMPLIFY!
I decided to hang these doors on my "ugly barns" in the back yard. I think I'll paint sometime and add a few vines. These hung in our house when we moved there when I was in 5th grade but of course mother didn't want them because they looked so old! Ha!
Vintage, antique or junk???? You decide! Ha!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
In his niche!
Our good friend, Mark, has worked in the oil field many years and we have always been interested in his work. He worked overseas for a long time and we always thought we would make that trip to visit him but didn't happen. Now he is working not only in the states but Oklahoma as a consultant for Devon! So Sunday night after church we grabbed Marla and away we went to Mark's rig which is located close to The Cherokee around Geary, Oklahoma. I have never been on a rig although I have driven past them many times and wondered about the process! Amazing!
We took some sandwiches and dined in Mark's executive hacienda and then donned hard hats, boots, gloves, and safety glasses for the grand tour. Aren't we cute? I know the crew has always wondered about Mark but I am sure we all left a grand impression!
It was so interesting and Mark is so knowledgable about the whole thing as he started and has worked his way up doing all of the jobs on the rig! This night was beautiful but I can only imagine the wind, cold, ice, heat, etc. the men face! Not only was this an educational and fun evening but a special time with two very special friends. Thanks Mark! 
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Rainbows and Stargazing
Miracles in my backyard! Sometimes in the evening especially after a shower just before the sunset it peeks out of the clouds for just a few minutes and looks as though a spotlight is on the courthouse! I love the view! I have taken many pictures because it is just amazing but none really do it justice! One night this week a rainbow appeared directly above the courthouse as well as the spotlight effect. "To God be the glory!"
This week has been really fun in town and I am ashamed to say how much time I have spent with my binoculars sitting in the barbershop, on the benches around the square or just on the street corner. The movie is called "The Killer Inside Me" based on a novel from the 50's. Casey Affleck, Simon Baker, Kate Hudson, Jessica Alba are all in the movie. Casey and Simon have been in town staying at the Bank Lofts. The girls have not been in town they are already "killed off" that sounds terrible! Many locals were cast as extras and they were decked out in the fashionable attire of the 50's. Several friends were lucky enough to actually get their picture with Simon which I was glad to see so I would know who I was "stalking" during the filming! Ha! Last night stayed in town until after 1:00 a.m. watching for the final scene. My camera is not good enough to get the pictures of people at a distance but I did get a few car pictures during actual scenes. Next movie in this town I'll be in line to audition for an extra! Too fun!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Things are buzzing in America's Hometown!

This post is for those of you who think nothing ever happens in this little town! First, we are scheduled to be the sight for a movie starring Jessica Alba which will begin filming next week. Last week the staging crew was in town and it was fun to watch all the things they did as they are getting downtown ready for filming. Some of the changes include a new name for the cafe and painting on the windows of several businesses with fictious names. We go to work out early in the morning and the crews were out and about painting. It is to be set in the "50's so it is interesting to see the changes and attention to detail. Several locals have parts as extras and were fitted with costumes last week. I think I'll try to sneak in the back door of the barber shop while they are filming.
On Monday of this week we had over 700 bicyclist in town as they are touring across Oklahoma. The park looked like a sea of tents and people were out walking around all over town late in the evening. We visited with several and enjoyed hearing about their trip. They started in Duncan and will end in Kiowa, Kansas. Parts of it sound fun but heat, wind, hills, and showering at schools or campgrounds doesn't appeal to me! I want to do a bicycle tour but I think stops at cute bed and breakfasts sound more to my liking!

Sunday, May 17, 2009
The Ultimate Field Trip
No swine flu for us just a heart full of wonderful memories! How do you not have a good time at the beach with your family? We were so happy to have Jen and Phyllis along with us adding a few surprises! Jen of course felt sorry for "Maria" because not many people were there and none getting braids. When Phyllis said "Oh Jen you don't want to do that!" Jen says, "Mother, its a field trip!" which became the quote of the week! All about the experience!
Phyllis did get a second look or two from the the grandchildren and others with her bikini.
The boys are practicing the "Mayan Warrior" pose while overlooking the beautiful Tulum beach.
The kids have always called Mike "Scuba Steve" because he always wants to be searching for something! Jen runs a close second maybe we should give her a new nickname!
As Jen says Mucho Memories tucked away in my heart that make me smile at the thought!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Armed and Ready!

Call us crazy or adventurous however you want to look at it! Nine of us are leaving on Saturday to go to Mexico for a week! We are excited and I guess nothing will stop us! Our good doctor friend and Mike have fixed us up with all the necessities! I am thinking a margarita is the only thing missing! We are looking forward to all being together and surely we won't need this stuff!
I think my odds are greater in the pharmacy than on the beach don't you?
Hakuna Matata!!!

Last weekend we enjoyed the production of "The Lion King" in OKC. It is the most amazing production ever! Mindy and I had seen it in Tulsa a few years ago but it is worth seeing several times. The artistic way it is produced with costumes and puppets is amazing. After a nice dinner at Trattoria's we took a quick stroll throught Festival of the Arts downtown. No worries! I love that story and the life lessons in this play!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009

"With each new day comes new strength and new thoughts."
Eleanor Roosevelt
So I am going to learn some new ways of doing things without the full use of a thumb for now!
Friday, April 17, 2009
Stitches, thumbs and other craziness!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Did I mention I love flowers?

If you are bored with flowers read no more! My little girl post on "Give me flowers always!" has certainly been beneficial to me over the past few days. Miracle of all miracles, I received a bouquet of alstroemeria from my hubby on Thursday. They are beautiful and surprised me beyond measure! On Sunday, Jen's parent's came for Easter dinner her mother brought me a beautiful bouquet of roses. The colors are so perfect! I think I will plant a pot with that color scheme. Phyllis brought me an Easter lily which I love. After watching the Master's over the weekend and visualizing Augusta we decided on Tuesday to take another quick road trip to Muskogee as I have always wanted to visit Honor Heights Park during the azalea festival! A beautiful day and amazing azaleas not only in the park but all over town! The dogwoods were putting on a show too! One must only attempt to garden in western Oklahoma to appreciate such beauty. Did I mention that I love flowers and they make me happy! Ha!
Monday, April 6, 2009

Well, here is the picture of one of the tables at the shower! I was disappointed in the way things went together! Obviously, the idea in my head didn't materialize the way I had it planned. Nevertheless, it was a very nice shower and a large crowd so that is what mattered anyway. I think I should stick with roses. Her colors are pink and burgandy but most of the decor she picked out was red and it was a hodge-podge of colors. Oh well, I am sure I will have another shower to work on sometime! Ha!
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Fun with flowers!

I am working on a wedding shower for Sunday and could not seem to come up with an idea that pleased me. A friend gave me this little girls hanger one time and I read it about everyday! Thus the shower will be decorated in flowers! They make me happy! Several pink geraniums in clear glass bowls and containers with a bit of stone accents I think will make a beautiful table! How do you not like flowers! I'll try to post a picture of the finished project!
Rare finds!

On our return trip from Santa Fe we came through Las Vegas, New Mexico. We discovered a few interesting things and a quick stop at an antique store produced some rare finds. First, the Plaza Hotel built late 1800's and recently restored was amazing. It has 88 rooms now that it adjoins the building next to it. They were preparing for a grand opening of the new part on Tuesday so everything was tip-top shape. Between the two building there were enclosed courtyards. (which I didn't get a picture of) Beautiful! Next, United World College campus housed in what is called "the castle". A small college of only about 200 students from many countries. The idea is promote mutual understanding of cultural, religious, ethnic, and economic backgrounds thus fostering world peace. We actually didn't get to tour the castle but learned quite a bit about the college from locals. On the campus is a reflection chapel with prisms at all angles and is said to reflect light 24 hours a day if the moon and sun are out! Very pretty and reflective! Ha! As we walked around the square we found a few antique shops and this little bunny teapot and salt and peper shakers called my name! I passed it at first but as we were leaving town circled back by and purchased it! Too cute!
Oops! Pictures in reverse order!
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