Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Well, I asked the nurses if they always put purple on old ladies! You know "When I am old I will wear purple!" I thought pink or green might be nice! I am reminded of Ecclesiastes 9:10 "Whatsoever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might!" So I don't think this is going to slow me down much just a bit of inconvenience for awhile. The doctor was able to find the tendon and sew it together amazingly since is about the size of a pencil lead! Aren't we thankful for modern medicine? Of course, I had to throw a few flowers in the picture to brighten it up! Ha!

"With each new day comes new strength and new thoughts."
Eleanor Roosevelt

So I am going to learn some new ways of doing things without the full use of a thumb for now!


LeeAnn said...

This reminds me of one of those bridal bouquet/ring pictures.

Mindy S said...

Yes very thankful for modern medicine!

Haley Bird said...

what's with you Stowers hurting your hands!?!? I like the nice purple cast it will look nice and tropical while you are in Mexico! :)
