On our return trip from Santa Fe we came through Las Vegas, New Mexico. We discovered a few interesting things and a quick stop at an antique store produced some rare finds. First, the Plaza Hotel built late 1800's and recently restored was amazing. It has 88 rooms now that it adjoins the building next to it. They were preparing for a grand opening of the new part on Tuesday so everything was tip-top shape. Between the two building there were enclosed courtyards. (which I didn't get a picture of) Beautiful! Next, United World College campus housed in what is called "the castle". A small college of only about 200 students from many countries. The idea is promote mutual understanding of cultural, religious, ethnic, and economic backgrounds thus fostering world peace. We actually didn't get to tour the castle but learned quite a bit about the college from locals. On the campus is a reflection chapel with prisms at all angles and is said to reflect light 24 hours a day if the moon and sun are out! Very pretty and reflective! Ha! As we walked around the square we found a few antique shops and this little bunny teapot and salt and peper shakers called my name! I passed it at first but as we were leaving town circled back by and purchased it! Too cute!
Oops! Pictures in reverse order!
How fun would that have been to go to college in a castle!! I'm afraid I would have never graduated I would have just walked around feeling like a princess all day! ha ha
Uhhh, when did you go to Santa Fe? I must have missed something! Re: Mindy's comment - I thought you went around everyday feeling like a princess?!!
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